16th September 2024

Search Twyning Parish Council

Serving the people of Twyning

Policies and Procedures


  • Co-option Policy (PDF, 51 Kb)

    This policy is to ensure there is compliance with legislation when co-opting members to the Council.

  • Privacy Policy (PDF, 150 Kb)

    This Policy explains how we deal with data protection

  • Retention and Disposals Policy (PDF, 49 Kb)

    This Policy provides for the criteria under which documents are held for future reference.

  • Dignity at Work Policy (PDF, 98 Kb)

    This policy deals with bullying, harassment and victimisation in the workplace.

  • Communications Policy (PDF, 22 Kb)

    This Policy sets out the framework for communication by Councillors and Officers through the format of email, letter, telephone and social media and via the Council administered website.

    Communications Policy (adopted on 4th May 2021)

  • Kilmore Field Pitch Hire Policy (PDF, 131 Kb)

    The rules governing hire of the field for sports and recreation


  • Standing Orders (PDF, 273 Kb)

    This document lays out the structure of the Council and the extent of its powers to organise committees, working groups etc.

    Adopted on 18/01/2021.

  • Code of Conduct (PDF, 110 Kb)

    This document gives details of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour from Councillors.

    Adopted on 17th April 2023 taking effect on 18th April 2023.

  • Financial Regulations (PDF, 269 Kb)

    Rules governing our financial procedures

  • Standing Orders and Financial Regulation 2022 (PDF, 146 Kb)

    Alterations to Standing Orders and Financial Regulations with regard to contracts.

    Reviewed May 2022.

Last updated: Thu, 24 Aug 2023 18:39