16th September 2024

Search Twyning Parish Council

Serving the people of Twyning

Other Walks

Hill End Trot

1.8 miles; easy

Two stiles From the Village Inn, walk up the High Street past the village shop and turn right up Lynworth Lane. At the top, pass through the kissing gate and follow the footpath ahead. Twyning Manor, (now apartments) built in 1859 is on your left. Go through a second kissing gate and walk up beside the stock fence. (at least one pair of buzzards nest in this area) At the top, there is a track junction (A). Turn right here, follow the path alongside the trees, and pass through the gap. Walk alongside the stock fence on the path to where it runs into a gravel track between the two white houses (Wren's Nest and The Cottage) and onto Hill End Road. Turn right and, after 30 yards, cross the road by the triangle of trees and look for a metal dual footpath sign. Take the narrow path ahead and cross the stile into the field. Follow the path across the meadow in the direction of the power lines. At the top of the rise, enjoy the view across the Avon to Bredon Hill and, away to your right, the distant tower of Tewkesbury Abbey. Follow the path under the power wires and through a natural gap ahead. Just after the weeping willow tree, turn left and drop down the steep bank to a stile in the hedgerow. Cross the stile and follow the path left round the new tree plantation. At the footpath junction just in front of the bungalows, turn left and walk down the path to the gate at the bottom. Turn right through the gate and walk up the lane to the junction with Hillview Lane. Turn left and walk down the hill to the village green and the Village Inn.

Hill End Canter

2.6 miles; easy; four stiles

Follow the same directions as HILL END TROT to track junction (A). At the junction, turn left and follow the bridleway alongside the stock fence. Turn right at T-junction and follow track towards the M50. At the top of the rise, do not cross the M50, but turn right and follow the track, which runs onto Dingle Lane. At the end of Dingle Lane, turn right onto the road and walk down to the junction. Turn left down the lane signposted to Showborough and Downfield. Walk down the lane and turn right towards the house, then left on well defined path across the top of Hillend Common. At the top, pass to the right of Dingle House and cross the new stile by the gate, into an ancient orchard. Sit awhile on the seat provided by Paul & Wendy Henshaw and admire the view across to Bredon Hill. Follow Paul's well-defined path and head for the natural gap. Keep straight-ahead and cross a further three stiles, exiting into a field. Follow the path as it passes right behind the old oak tree and exit through a metal gate in the left corner. Walk up the track and road to the T-junction. Turn left and walk down Goodiers Lane to the village green and Village Inn.

Bredon View

2.1 miles; easy, with an easy, grassy hill climb; 6 stiles

Park at the Village Inn. From the Village Inn walk across the green and head up Goodiers Lane. Turn right opposite Paxhill Lane, and walk down the road to the junction. Turn left through the gate and ahead into the new wood plantation. Walk up the left hand side of the plantation then turn right on a well defined path and head for the stile in the hedgerow. Cross the stile, turn half-right, and then follow the natural track along the top of the landslip area. (Pause here and look away across the Avon to Bredon and Bredon Hill – magnificent!). Head through the natural gap and walk straight on to a stile by Hill End Farm. Cross the stile, and head for the fence line to your front. At the fence, do not cross the stile, but turn right. With the fence on your left, say hello to the horses, and walk down the incline. Cross the stile and drop down to the bottom of the meadow. Turn right and keep in a straight line over three stiles, finally crossing into a field. Follow the path and walk right behind the old oak tree to a metal farm gate in the left-hand corner. Go through the gate and up the track to a junction. Turn left down another farm track to the road at the bottom. Turn right along the road which leads back to the village green and pub.

Monks Pools & Riverside

3.2 miles; medium; eight stiles, two wooden fences; some agility required

Takes 1½ hours at a very easy pace.

If you use farm gates rather than the stiles and fences, please ensure that they are closed securely. Park at the Fleet Inn. Walk back up the road for 30 yards and look on the right for a metal footpath sign in the holly tree, just behind the telegraph pole. Turn left and follow the footpath through a short passage. Cross the stile and turn right, following the fence line after the garden. Go through the metal gate on the right fence line, and cross the field obliquely left to another small gate in the fence line. Head for the footpath lollipop sign in the left corner. Cross the stile and walk through the copse to a kissing gate. Continue along the right side of the field, heading for the minor road. Turn left onto the road and walk down past the Lombardy poplar trees. At the end of the line of trees, turn right up a wide track. On your left are the 'Monks Pools' said to have provided food for the monks of Winchcombe Abbey, possibly as far back as the 9th Century. At the end of the track and in front of a large pond, turn left. At the T-junction, turn right and then left down a farm track with more poplar trees. Follow the track, looking out for the duck ponds on your left (B). At the end of the track, continue ahead over rough ground, through a metal farm gate at the end, and along a path between hedges (it can be muddy here) to arrive at a minor road. Cross the stile beside the farm gate in front of you and head off over the meadow. Incline slightly left and follow the defined path. Aim for the large tree in the far left corner and cross the wooden fence beside the gate. Follow the left-hand hedge line to the left corner of the field ahead, and repeat the wooden fence climb. Follow the left hedge line for about 120 yards and cross the stile on your left to arrive by the River Avon. Turn left and follow the riverbank, crossing two stiles and another double stile/bridge all the way back to Twyning. As the Fleet Inn nears, look out for the ancient monument 'Chad Well' on your left, just back from the riverbank. You will arrive back at the Fleet Inn shortly afterwards for a well-earned drink.

Railway Cutting

3.6 miles; medium, with some rough ground; nine stiles. Fields* may contain crops

Park in the lay-by by the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Church End. With the church on your right, walk down the road to where it ends and then head south down a track with Lombardy poplar trees on your left. Walk past the duck ponds (B) and, at the last pair of poplars, look right and cross the stile into a field. Head up the field, aiming slightly left to another stile in the hedgerow. Go straight ahead over the field and once you have breasted the rise you will see a gate and stile ahead. Cross the stile and follow the road right until you come out on the A38. Turn left for a few yards and cross the road to a metal footpath sign indicating access to a field. Cross the stile and head slightly right towards the far hedgerow. At the line of hedge, turn left and walk downhill following the tree line to a stile and steps dropping down to the disused railway line. Walk into the field and look right for a stile at the rear of the caravan park. Cross the stile onto a farm track. Where the track turns right, continue ahead either through or round to the left of a metal farm gate to another that leads into a field. The distance across these fields* is some 830 yards. Head for the lone trees in the centre of the field, keeping them to your left. Another gate leads to a track besides a row of trees on your right. Continue ahead to another old metal farm gate and exit onto Bow Lane at Bow Bridge. Turn right and walk up the road for about 140 yards, looking for a stile on your right by the yellow house with two wagon wheels. Cross the stile and head obliquely left to another stile in the right-hand corner of the field. Cross the stile and walk up a line of trees (Puckrup Golf Course is either side of you). At the end of the ride, cross a stile and head for the lopped tree. Go through a two gated paddock and walk round the left side of the house ahead. Go through the gap by the metal posts, bear right and walk along the path towards the golf practice net. Spot the way sign by the two trees and follow the path round the hotel and look for a gap in the ornamental fence. The footpath heads off across the golf course. Aim to pass to the right of the lake with the fountain. Walk between the line of trees ahead, and beware of golf balls! At the end of the line of trees, look for an exit gate in the right corner behind the second tee. Cross Twyning Parish Walks 4 the A38 and walk down Page's Lane opposite, back towards Twyning. At the bottom of the lane (D), turn right and follow Church End Lane back to the church. You can extend this walk by following the initial instructions on the MONKS POOLS walk, then pick up the RAILWAY CUTTING instructions at point (B) above. (An extra 0.8 miles). To return to your car at the Fleet Inn, turn left at point (D) and follow the road back into the village (1.2 miles). To avoid using the road, turn right at point (D) and walk back into Church End. Turn left to walk past the church and pick up the footpath by the footpath sign and metal gate. Turn left just after the pond, and right through the gap, then left up the side of the equestrian field. Cross the V-stiles either-side of the road ahead and walk up through the field, aiming for a small bridge at a break in the hedge line. Cross the bridge and walk up the newly defined path alongside the wooden fence of the Charles Church development to arrive at a 5 bar gate. Turn right and then left to come out on Church End Lane. Turn right and right again to follow High Street back to the Fleet Inn (1.3 miles).

Brockeridge Bash

5.1 miles; testing; one stile; some rough ground and two low swampy areas on the Common
Takes 1¾ hours at a steady pace

Park (tidily please) by the triangular green at Hill End. Walk up the road in a northerly direction for 50 yards, and turn left up Dingle Lane. Cross stile and continue ahead along the wide track and turn right to cross a bridge over the M50. Turn left down the incline and look for an entrance to a field on your right. The footpath runs along the left edge of the field and drops down into a short dell before coming to a horse gate that allows access to Brockeridge Common. Walk along the right hand fence line on the Common, past a thicket on your left, and continue to where the hedge ends. Continue ahead, crossing two natural water ditches, one of which is now bridged, (can be wet in this area in winter) and head for a gap in what appears to be an earth bank. Turn right and walk up between the banks, following the obvious sheep track and tractor track to Ley Farm. Go through the wooden farm gate to the right of the barn ahead and walk though the yard of Ley Farm. Proceed ahead along the wide track and look for way signs on your left where the trees begin. Turn right and cross the field heading for a gap in the far hedge line (this field may be cultivated). Go through the gap, pass the pond and follow the hedge/wall on your right until you reach a stile at The Granary. Follow the road along, bear right at the War Memorial and continue round to the left past the white house 'The Cavalier'. Where the road swings right, turn left down the dead-end road and continue ahead to cross the bridge over the M5. The road leads down towards the Water Works. Where it branches, take the right fork and then, where the road turns sharp left, turn right by the telegraph pole (hiding a weary wooden footpath sign) and head up the farm track. Follow the track (probably wet in winter) alongside the large field, past the two lone trees to arrive at a track that leads left to Bredon Fields Cottages and right to Bredon Fields Farm. Cross this track and continue straight ahead across a large field (which might be cultivated), heading for the far hedge line, but aiming for the tallest tree with a smaller one to its left. Cross the wooden bridge over the drain and walk obliquely left towards a blue directions sign on the motorway. At the motorway, bear left and walk alongside until you reach a tunnel that will lead you to a lane. Walk up the lane, ignoring the left turn (Downfield Lane) and take the left fork at the road sign pointing to Showborough. Walk up the lane to the T- junction and turn left back to your car.

Ripple Ramble

3.4 miles; testing; rough ground with two swampy ditches to cross on the Common (one via the bridge but the area can be very wet in winter). Some fields might be planted with maize. Twelve stiles, three of which might be difficult to climb. Four wooden foot bridges, one horse-gate and one farm-gate

Park in the lay-by on the A38, just north of the northerly motorway access roundabout. Walk down the A38 towards the roundabout and look for a metal footpath sign by a stile leading into the wood on your right. Take the path left through the wood, following the way signs and turn right at the way marker on a post and tree, to exit the wood over a small bridge. . Turn right and follow the obvious footpath ahead. Keep to Twyning Parish Walks 5 the right, and walk past the metal gate, and through a gap by the large oak tree on your right. Continue ahead on the path through the field, keeping to the right-hand side. Spot the way marker on a post by a gap, leading to the field ahead. Cross the field in the general direction of Ripple Church and look for a stile in the hedgerow slightly left (if this field is cultivated*, follow the right-hand edge to the bottom, turn left, keeping the hedge on your right, and left again. Look for the stile in the hedgerow after about 40 yards). Cross the stile, and head up the field ahead, aiming slightly left towards the hedgerow and a cluster of bushy-topped trees, looking for a stile (if this field is cultivated*, follow the same procedure as in the previous field). Go over the stile+ and cross the field ahead in the general direction of the old brown barn. Look for a stile in the hedgerow on your left, by the prominent dead tree in front of the white farmhouse (if this field is cultivated, from the stile+ turn left and follow the hedgerow to the bottom, turn right and follow the left hedgerow until you come to the stile by the farm). Cross the stile and walk up through the old orchard, keeping the hedge to your left, and cross the stile by the long shed. Follow the wire fence and hedge on your right, down the field to the brook at the bottom. Turn right at the way signs on the tree and cross the metal bridge. Follow the path into Ripple Churchyard, walk round the church and exit by the main gate. Turn right and follow the road round to the right, passing yellow Hawthorn Cottage on your left. Continue down the road, (ignoring wooden footpath signs on your L) and cross a road bridge over the brook. Look for a metal footpath sign on your left, and cross the V-stile and bridge. Follow the line of large posts with way signs up the escarpment, and cross the stile ahead. Walk along the top, and drop down a steep bank by a bramble thicket to a stile. Cross the stile and turn left. Follow the left hedgerow along the side of the field, and cross the stile ahead. Repeat the process to another stile in the far left-hand corner of the next field. Cross this one, cutting the corner of the field and aiming for a metal farm gate by some cattle troughs slightly right. Go through the farm gate and head for the stile on the A38. Cross the A38 and walk down the lane indicated by the metal bridleway sign. At the horse gate, enter Brockeridge Common and follow the sheep track, keeping the hedgerow generally to your left. Pass a house and continue ahead for about half a mile over rough ground (there is a great view here of the Malvern Hills). Ignore all footpath signs pointing left, and continue ahead until you approach Ley Farm (E). At the wooden gate, turn right and follow the sheep path, dropping into a natural fold in the ground and continue ahead. After about 550 yards, look for a natural gap in the grass bank on your left, and turn left through it. Cross the ditch-line ahead (the first wet point), following the line of trees on your left, and then cross another low ditch over the bridge and walk alongside the fence on your left for about 700 yards until you come to a stile on your left (F). (Bail out, if you like, before crossing the second wet point and head off right, across the Common, in the direction of the roundabout lights). Turn right here and strike across the common, keeping in a straight line and heading for the A38. Aim slightly left towards the roundabout lights, and look for a wooden bridge and V-stile in the fence. Rejoin the A38, and your car is 30 yards ahead.

Ripple Ramble Extended

(total 4.5 miles). Refer to the Brockeridge Bash map

At the wooden gate at Ley Farm (E), go through the wooden farm gate to the right of the barn ahead, and walk though the yard of Ley Farm. Proceed ahead along the wide track and look for way signs on your left, where the trees begin. Turn right and cross the field heading for a gap in the far hedge line (this field might be cultivated). Through the gap, past the pond, and follow the hedge/wall on your right until you reach a stile at The Granary. Turn right and walk through the farmyard onto a road that runs South-West past fields with horses on your left. In half a mile, by a gate, is the East corner of Harbour Wood. Follow the right-hand edge of the wood (wood and pond are Private) until you reach the South end. Head for the sign post in the field (over a well) then turn right (west) across the field (which might be cultivated), aiming for the fence line and a stile. You have now arrived at point F in Ripple Ramble.

Ripple Ramble Extended/Extended

(total 6.8 miles) Refer to the Brockeridge Bash Map

Go through the wooden farm gate at Ley Farm (E), to the right of the barn ahead, and walk through the yard of Ley Farm. Proceed ahead along the wide track and look for way signs on your left, where the trees begin. Turn right, and cross the field heading for a gap in the far hedge line (this field might be cultivated). Through the gap, Twyning Parish Walks 6 past the pond and follow the hedge/wall on your right until you reach a stile at The Granary. Follow the road along, bear right at the War Memorial and continue round to the left past the white house 'The Cavalier'. Where the road swings right, turn left down the dead-end road and continue ahead to cross the bridge over the M5. The road leads down towards the water works. Where it branches, take the right fork and then, where the road turns sharp left, turn right by the telegraph pole (hiding a weary wooden footpath sign) and head up the farm track. Follow the track (probably wet in winter) alongside the large field, past the two lone trees to arrive at a track that leads left to Bredon Fields Cottages and right to Bredon Fields Farm. Cross this track and continue straight ahead across a large field (which might be cultivated), heading for the far hedge line, but aiming for the tallest tree with a smaller one to its left. Cross the wooden bridge over the drain and walk obliquely right towards a blue directions sign on the motorway. At the motorway, bear left and walk alongside until you reach a tunnel that will lead you to a lane. Walk up the lane, ignoring the left turn (Downfield Lane) and take the left fork at the road sign pointing to Showborough. Walk up the lane to the T-junction. Turn right, and walk up the road to Dingle Lane. Turn left and walk between houses to the farm track. Walk along the track and turn right over the M50 bridge. Follow the track that drops down to the left, and look for the entrance into a field on your right. Walk along the left edge of the field, and look for a stile in the fence line to your left. Cross the stile and head for the right-hand corner of the field. Cross another stile onto Brockeridge Common and strike West (left) across the Common to find the V-stile and bridge back onto the A38.


The Parish of Twyning lies on the Gloucestershire/Worcestershire border to the north of Tewkesbury and is bounded to the east and west by the rivers Avon and Severn respectively. The name "Twyning" (pronounced "Twinning") derives from Old English and means "place between" (the two rivers). The Parish Church of St Mary Magdalene dates from the 11th century and some of its Norman features can be seen today. The tower is 13th/14th century and there are some original 15th century beams in the nave roof. The great size of the building indicates the early importance of the monastic settlement of Worcester and Winchcombe Abbeys, to which it once belonged. The total area of the Parish is 2565 acres, of which 527 acres is common land, i.e. land on which certain properties have grazing rights of Common. The land use is generally for agricultural and market garden purposes. This agricultural tradition has existed since Saxon times, and the practice of open field strip system is still carried out today on Upham Meadow, one of the few remaining original open fields of England, and now designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The main modern settlement area in the Parish is Twyning Green, incorporating Twyning Fleet. There are also hamlets at Church End (the original Twyning), Shuthonger, Hillend, Brockeridge, Wood End, Puckrup and Stratford Bridge. The population of the Parish is in excess of 1700.


Last updated: Fri, 04 Aug 2023 13:42