19th September 2024

Search Twyning Parish Council

Serving the people of Twyning

Kilmore Field/TRAC Site - Contingency Plan

In the event of TRAC deciding to dissolve their charity, the responsibility for managing the overall site will transfer initially to Twyning Parish Council.

The Parish Council have consulted with other stakeholders who use the site and we will ensure that there is a seamless transfer of responsibility and build on all the hard work undertaken to date to maximise the use of this fantastic public area for Twyning residents.

The guiding principles of any proposal to manage the site include:

1. Financial self-sustainability, through income from lettings, re-investing any surplus back into the site and reducing the cost paid by Parishioners;

2. To provide opportunities for accessible, flexible and free facilities when possible;

3. To focus on Twyning Community wants and needs for sport and recreation;

4. To create a long-term, sustainable community 'hub' for the Parish.

The Parish Council have already re-opened the play area, started regular Saturday junior football for Parish children and Eckington Juniors FC have been granted use of the top site pitch for the 2020/21 season.

Going forward, the Parish Council will propose a more permanent arrangement for the management of the site, assessing viable options, consulting more stakeholders and residents and suggest that any future management arrangements should include:

Short term

● Ensuring the children's play area remains accessible within the current opening hours, subject to any COVID restrictions;

● Providing a pedestrian access to the site for Brockeridge Paddocks residents;

● Allowing free use of the MUGA for local children to play basketball / 5-a-side football / netball etc. when the court is not booked;

● Prioritising regular Saturday friendly football for children of all abilities;

● Building changing rooms for users of the new pitch (S106 grant already secured);

● Encouraging wider village participation in existing sports on the site;

● Continuing to provide sports facilities for Twyning School and other community organisations (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts etc.);

● Ensuring the community are involved in decision making;

● Protecting the site from anti-social behaviour.

Medium to long term

● Facilitating the relocation of Twyning Playgroup to a new building, providing the families in the Parish the opportunity for government funded childcare;

● Facilitating wrap-around childcare based on the needs of Parish families;

● Providing a long-term platform for Twyning Tennis Club to develop their club;

● Providing a sports pitch all year with local football, rugby and other sports clubs;

● Developing other parts of the site for other non-sport community uses;

● Developing the site to achieve self-funding within three years.

Last updated: Thu, 03 Aug 2023 15:25